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Seller Services

The Listing Agent completes several  action phases to reach final settlement of any property. They include the preparation phase, marketing phase, sales offer phase, sales processing phase, managing/monitoring the contingency phase and mortgage phases, the mortgage process, preparation for settlement phase and then final settlement. During these phases the Listing Agent accomplishes the following tasks on behalf of the Seller:

Modern Wooden House

Deciding to purchase a property is more than likely the largest financial decision and expenditure you will ever make

Image by Glenn Carstens-Peters

Before you start shopping for your property, it is smart to make some preparations


Buying a property requires making many important financial decisions, understanding complex issues and completing a lot of paperwork


Now that you are actively looking at properties and going on showing appointments with your agent, you should expect them to be performing the following tasks on your behalf

Summer House

It is imperative that you keep in close communication with your lender who will let you know when additional documents are needed to approve your loan application and fund your loan


The final walk-through usually takes place a day before, or the day of the Settlement.

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